Human Engineering Research Laboratory Application Development Internship
May 2021 - Jul. 2021
Designed and developed a system for evaluating driving ability with powered wheelchairs in a clinical environment
Conducted ethnographic research in clinical environments to identify pain points and use cases
Built and deployed a full stack web application and API for collecting and storing data using Ruby on Rails, Heroku, PostgreSQL, and Materialize
Wrote a series of Python scripts to implement data collection and processing with a Raspberry Pi and Adafruit Sensor using Pandas, NumPy, and SciPy
Wrote a custom local web server in Python using CherryPy and Ngrok
About My Project
Currently, clinicians evaluate the driving ability of powered wheelchair users with subjective pen-and-paper tools. Passing one of these evaluations is necessary to obtain a powered wheelchair, so it’s important that we have accurate and unbiased tools to perform them. Training is even more important because poorly trained drivers are more likely to be injured and even hospitalized, while proper training offers a wheelchair user independence and a higher quality of life.
During my internship, I designed and developed a second version of a data collection device and a user interface for the Powered Mobility Clinical Driving Assessment with Dr. Jorge Candiotti and Dr. Deepan Kamaraj. The data collection device is a Raspberry Pi connected to an Adafruit Sensor that can be attached to a driver’s chair. It communicates wirelessly with the user interface, which is a web application accessible with any mobile device, tablet, or laptop. These tools allow clinicians with minimal technical skill to collect objective data during an evaluation. That data is then processed and aggregated to give specific feedback to clinicians about how a driver can improve or to compare how well different configurations or chairs are working for that driver.
This prototype is for use in clinics, but with further development it could be used in the home by powered wheelchair users for driving training, as well.
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